US Financial Crisis: A Year On

Opinion: It has been slightly more than a year since US officials claimed there was no recession & authors at MendoFever, namely Sarah Reith, published an article summarizing Mendocino County officials similar claims that there was no financial crisis.


Since August of 2022, the US Federal Reserve has raised interest rates quite a bit. Mortgage rates are the highest they have been in 20 years.

Why might the federal reserve think it reasonable to raise rates this high? They claim they are doing it to tame inflation. Prices of everyday goods have increased quite a bit in the last year, and the federal reserve claims to be doing everything it can to solve this problem. However, the sudden inflation they claim to be trying to tame is not a suprise or a mystery. It is quite obvious to many Americans that the US government caused this price inflation themselves by approving obscene amounts of military aid for Ukraine & now Israel.

Even the busiest Americans know that the more money the US prints in order to fund wars overseas, the less valuable the US dollar is. The truth is that the financial crisis that we have been watching unfold for the last year or so is completely due to the hawkish US foreign policy we have today. The US economy has crumbled to a dismal state due to the US support for Zelenskyy as well as the illegal occupation of Palestinian land.

There is no doubt that innocent people in Ukraine are suffering. It’s an absolute shame for humanity that they are struggling the way they are. However it’s important to note that Russia is not at war with Ukraine because Russia hates the people of Ukraine. Many Ukrainians speak Russian & have a close bond with their Russian neighbors.

Russia did not suddenly decide to invade Ukraine like some western media outlets would have you believe. Russia had been warning the world about a possible war with Ukraine for quite some time. They had been amassing troops on the border for a year or more as they voiced concerns that Ukraine was becoming a hostile & impartial country loyal to the Western interests of NATO instead of being loyal to the interests of their people. However, nobody heeded the warnings or concerns voiced by the Russians.


Now, as a result of American indifference to the issues in Ukraine, Russia has entrenched itself in Ukraine in a desperate last attempt to prevent Zelenskyy from turning Ukraine into a hostile bed of racism & western colonialism. The US has since distanced itself from the unpopular leadership of Zelenskyy, slowing down funding & calling for a new round of elections in Ukraine; however Zelenskyy has refused to give the people a chance to choose a new leader, further entrenching his country in a dangerous & unpopular war against Russia.

In addition to the money pit that is Ukraine, the US is also keen on protecting the interests of it’s occupier friend ‘Israel’. In 1948 the United States voiced it’s support for a creation of a Jewish homeland on Palestinian territory. Since then, the US has offered unconditional financial support for the state of ‘Israel’, no matter how it affects their currency or how many innocent Palestinians & Muslims are killed as a result.

Palestinian man waving Palestinian flag

On October 7th of this year 2023, after 17 years of US-funded blockade & isolation, Gaza’s ruling Palestinian political party Hamas authorized an incursion of it’s military into the borders of ‘Israel’. Hamas’ Al Qassam brigade took hundreds of hostages from ‘Israel’ before retreating from the territory in order to make negotiations to free their constituents from detention & blockade.

Since then, the US has shifted it’s attention from Ukraine to the Middle East, opting to provide an even higher level of support for the Israeli occupation than it had provided for Ukraine. The newest Israeli aggression has already proven to be a disaster for humanity & the US alike, with the occupation state of ‘Israel’ spending an average of $260M per day committing war crimes against Palestinians.

If the US continues providing financial support for Israel the way it did for Ukraine, the federal reserve will destroy what is left of the economy to tame the inflation their government brought on US consumers. The financial crisis that started roughly a year ago will likely get severely worse. If people don’t voice their opposition for this cold indifferent US foreign policy, the US could soon look worse than a third world country.


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