Category: Health & Environment

  • ‘Israel’ is committing genocide. Here are the US companies involved.

    ‘Israel’ is committing genocide. Here are the US companies involved.

    ‘Israel’ has been occupying Palestinian land since 1948. Since then many international companies have been involved in this occupation. However, due to the increasing level of atrocities committed by the Israeli government, companies who have continued to stand by ‘Israel’ have come under increased scrutiny. Here are some of the companies who are openly involved…

  • US Financial Crisis: A Year On

    US Financial Crisis: A Year On

    Opinion: It has been slightly more than a year since US officials claimed there was no recession & authors at MendoFever, namely Sarah Reith, published an article summarizing Mendocino County officials similar claims that there was no financial crisis. Remember? Since August of 2022, the US Federal Reserve has raised interest rates quite a bit.…

  • ‘Fort Bragg’ giving angry drunks free bus tickets

    ‘Fort Bragg’ giving angry drunks free bus tickets

    In the late morning of Nov. 1 in ‘Fort Bragg’ California, scanner traffic began about a man causing a disturbance outside Racines business on Frankin street. Baker was dispatched to the scene. Shortly after arriving officer Baker informed Captain O’Neal that the subject was panhandling & frustrated that nobody was giving him money. Being familiar…

  • Ft. Bragg PD: Endangering Citizens by Releasing Aggressive Drunk Men

    Ft. Bragg PD: Endangering Citizens by Releasing Aggressive Drunk Men

    On the afternoon of October 28 2023, Officer Baker of Fort Bragg CA police department was dispatched to East Redwood Street in Fort Bragg. The reporting party stated that there was an aggressive man who had pushed some other man against the wall. Shortly after another call came in stating that he was threatening passersby.…

  • Palestinian Return: Invasion & Response

    Palestinian Return: Invasion & Response

    On Friday night Pacific Standard Time or Saturday morning in Middle Eastern Time, after 17 years of blockade, Palestinian resistance entered Israel from the Eastern side of the Gaza Strip and several other directions. Invasion After 17 years of sanction, isolation & blockade, what else would you expect? Apparently something else, as ‘Israel’ had allowed…

  • What modern police should look like

    What modern police should look like

    It is well-known that western police use obscene amounts of tax-dollars to do their questionable work. What should modern police look like? In Saudi Arabia & other countries governed by Sharia law, they have religious police. They are also commonly known as morality police. Unlike Western countries where police infringe on the rights of innocent…