Tag: foreign policy

  • ‘Israel’ is committing genocide. Here are the US companies involved.

    ‘Israel’ is committing genocide. Here are the US companies involved.

    ‘Israel’ has been occupying Palestinian land since 1948. Since then many international companies have been involved in this occupation. However, due to the increasing level of atrocities committed by the Israeli government, companies who have continued to stand by ‘Israel’ have come under increased scrutiny. Here are some of the companies who are openly involved…

  • US Financial Crisis: A Year On

    US Financial Crisis: A Year On

    Opinion: It has been slightly more than a year since US officials claimed there was no recession & authors at MendoFever, namely Sarah Reith, published an article summarizing Mendocino County officials similar claims that there was no financial crisis. Remember? Since August of 2022, the US Federal Reserve has raised interest rates quite a bit.…

  • Is the enormous occupation state of Israel losing it’s war against Hamas?

    Is the enormous occupation state of Israel losing it’s war against Hamas?

    Opinion: On October 7th, Al Qassam brigades made an incursion into ‘Israel’ and took many hostages. Since then, ‘Israel’ has been ruthlessly bombing women & children in response. But just how effective has this brutal strategy been for them? There is no doubt that the number of Palestinian casualties is much higher than the number…

  • Palestinian Return: Invasion & Response

    Palestinian Return: Invasion & Response

    On Friday night Pacific Standard Time or Saturday morning in Middle Eastern Time, after 17 years of blockade, Palestinian resistance entered Israel from the Eastern side of the Gaza Strip and several other directions. Invasion After 17 years of sanction, isolation & blockade, what else would you expect? Apparently something else, as ‘Israel’ had allowed…

  • How the OIC could replace the UN

    How the OIC could replace the UN

    The United Nations was a celebrated institution when first established. Since then, it has become clear that the UN is not as influential as people hoped it would be, due to both personal & structural obstacles. The Organization of Islamic Cooperation, however, is not subject to the structural limitations of the United Nations, and members…

  • Western nations abandon their citizens

    Western nations abandon their citizens

    For a long time, America was seen as a champion of freedom by many people around the world. Nowadays, America openly supports dictatorships, abandons citizens caught in predicaments overseas, and even punishes people for voicing their opinion or publishing information that exposes crimes by government officials. If US leaders & politicians stand to lose anything,…